Music Ministry
Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, providing encouragement to believers in their walk with Christ and leading the congregation in worship and praise.

New Prospect Choir
Inspirational Choir
Our Inspirational Choir sets the tone for early morning worship with an array of traditional gospel music.Voices of Praise Choir
Our Voices of Praise Choir praises through contemporary and traditional gospel music.‘Mighty Men’ Male Chorus
Our dedicated men’s choir focused on praising the Lord through song.Living Christ Crew Youth Choir
Our Living Christ Crew Youth Choir is our young and young at heart choir that lead worship through song every 4th Sunday of the month.Praise Dance
The Spirit of God draws all people to Himself, according to His purpose, to be saved, healed, comforted and set free. Our purpose is to be vessels for the Holy Spirit to communicate and visually manifest His Glory in the demonstration of Himself through dance. Our mission is to worship God, in spirit and in truth, with our whole being, to create a welcoming atmosphere for His Presence and Glory.
Psalm 150 Dance Ministry
Manifesting worshipful lifestyles through graceful movements and body language within the realms of dance. In doing so, the Spirit of God draws all people to Himself, according to His purpose, to be saved, healed, comforted and set free.Urban G.E.N.T.S
Gentleman Excelling and Navigating Towards Salvation/Success. A ministry comprised of young men between the ages of 11-20 of the New Prospect Baptist Church and surrounding communities. The Urban G.E.N.T.S. ministry is dedicated to empowering young men with tools for spiritual, educational and social success!Divine D.I.V.A.S.
Daughters Inspired through Victory And Salvation is a ministry comprised of young women between the ages of 11-20 of the New Prospect Baptist Church and surrounding communities.