Fill the Gap 2018

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”


God is doing great things at NPBC!

The community of Roselawn is one of few that does not currently have a recreation center.  We are undergoing a campus makeover that will create a place for families to learn, grow and have fun!

This campus renovation is in partnership with the Cincinnati Reds, P&G, Cincinnati Zoo, Interact FOR Health, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, General Electric and many other community partners.

Reds Community Fund
Procter and Gamble
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Zoo

The renovations include the construction of a Baseball Field, Campgrounds with an Amphitheater, Community Area, Technology Lab, Youth Area, Parking Lot and Kitchen.

Click here to view the architectural drawing.

You can be a part of enriching the community by making a donation today. Help The Summit Center fill the gap and contribute, by July 30, 2018.

 Three ways to Fill the Gap!

Use New Prospect's Secure Give Online Giving App
Mail check or money order to New Prospect Baptist Church